– first issue of the newspaper Slovenec was published on 14th October 1873
– newspaper Slovenec began to be published in Klagenfurt on 14th January 1865
Newspaper Slovenec (Slovene) had been published between the years 1873 and 1945; it was the leading newspaper of political Catholicism on Slovenian land.
It’s premier publication experienced on 14th October 1873, as a reply to young Slovene publication Slovenian nation. Since the beginning it has been published three times a week, since 11th July 1883 as a journal. It has been published as ‘Political paper for Slovenian nation’, in Ljubljana. During years 1888 and 1896 it got a supplement Domoljub (Patriot), and during years 1924 and 1932 a supplement Ilustrirani Slovenec (Illustrated Slovene). Ponedeljski Slovenec (Monday Slovene) was being published as supplement during years 1932 in 1939.
From the beginning the newspaper Slovenec was hostile towards domestic policy, even more towards liberal oriented newspaper Slovenski narod (Slovenian nation) and its followers. The newspaper was being edited by important members of Slovenian Catholicism from Slovenian political and cultural life. In times of more democratical development of SLS (Slovenska ljudska stranka – Slovenian folks party) in 20’s of 20th century it had even outdone liberal newspapers Slovenski narod (Slovenian nation) and Jutro (Morning). In all 72 years of working it changed 19 editors, and first among them were Karel Klun, Franci Pevec, Jakob Alešovec and Filip Haderlap. In the 80’s the quality of newspaper was improved by Ingacij Žitnik, Andrej Kalan edited it in the 90’s. Later editors were also Janez Evangelist Krek, Miha Moškerc, Jožef Gostinčar, Franc Terseglav (right before the war), Izidor Cankar (1918 – 1919), Engelbert Besednjak, Franc Smodej, Franc Terseglav, Franc Kremžar, Mihael Krek, Alojzij Kuhar, Ivan Ahčin and Viktor Cenčič. During years 1929 in 1941, under the leadership of Ivan Ahčin, the newspaper had become one of the leading papers in Yugoslavia.
Newspaper Slovenec gave a lot of emphasis to welfare of peasant people, it stood up for total autonomy of Chatolic church. Before WWI the newspaper expressed its loyalty to Habsburg and Austrian monarchy, to ensure the Catholic educational system and the love to its homeland. The slogan of the newspaper Slovenec was: ‘Everything for religion, home, emperor!’
The newspaper Slovenec had been published until the year 1945, when that year it was shut down by new government. As a fact, let us say, that during years 1991 and 1996 the newspaper with the same name and political orientation had been published.
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