
Watercourses in Slovenia are in average one of the cleanest in Europe. At the same time,  total amount of river water per capita ranks among the highest in group of European countries, exceeding the average almost by four times. Total length of watercourses, rivers, constant and torrential tributaries is 26.600 km. Length of watercourses, longer than 20 km, is slightly over 4.700 km. Slovenia belongs among  extremely hydrologically active countries, because the majority of watercourses in a day or two, after around 100 km of water streams, leaves our territory. Slovenia has 1271 registred stagnant waters. Those include: permanent lakes, intermittent lakes, oxbow lakes, wetlands, artificial reservoirs, smaller reservoirs and ponds as well as other dams occured from man-made interventions in the enviroment. Groundwater is retained after torrential or surface water seeps into porous rocks. Their spatial distribution is dependent on geological structure.


Rriver is a large natural stream of water. River’s flow is composed of three parts: spring and upper stream are forming the initial part of river, which becomes main, lower stream. They are the most important factor in shaping the Earth’s surface. River can flow into another river or into the ocean. [_Visit locations_]

Waterfall is a falling water, that in short distance overcomes higher altitude. Waterfall consists of mouth, waterfall wall, water beam and base. In general they are difficult to access and difficult to measure. Most of the waterfalls in Slovenia were measured in years 1980 to 1982. [_Visit locations_]

Lake is large (usually freshwater) standing area of water, surrounded by land. The lakes are part of an exceptional water resources of Slovenia, which is among the richest countries in Europe. Most of the lakes and their banks are offering excellent opportunities for recreation and relaxing walks. [_Visit locations_]

Pond is a basin with standing water. It can be of natural or anthropogenic origin and it is usually smaller than a lake. Ponds are an important part of the cultural landscape, providing habitat for many organisms, at the same time they also represent a stable water supply. [_Visit locations_]

Stream is a fairly narrow band of liquid water (watercourse), which usually flows into larger streams and later in a river or the Sea. Streams usually are not wider than 3 m. Their bottom is rocky, pebbled or silted. Rocky bottom is often overgrown with algae. Plankton in water is almost nonexistant.  [_Visit locations_]