Vrtovin belongs among the most elongated counties in Ajdovščina. It is characterised by reminders of the past that locals included into contemporarily life.
Vrtovin is a middle sized village, located north of the main road, which runs through Vipava valley. The territory of Vrtovin is pulled in direction north – south, with the lowest part with altitude of 120 meters, the highest part is on the edge of Trnovo plateau with altitude of 1250 meters. Peculiarity of these areas is that the altitude difference amounts to 1130 meters through only seven kilometres. Vrtovin is composed of hamlets, which are arranged from the main road on south to the middle of the steep slope of Kucelj. Main hamlet, and also the largest, lies on the lower part of the area, between Malo Brdo (Brdec) and Veliko Brdo (Brdo). Smaller settlements are scattered south and north from the center of the village. South from the village are Grželi, Čebuli, Fužina, Guli and Stovška vas. North are Krti, Šateji, Subani, Jama, Kocjani, Rebki, Čermeli, Guštini, Fevči and Lozarji.
Through the village flows the stream Vrtovinšček, which later flows into the river Vipava. On the border between Vrtovin and Kamenje flows the stream Malenšček. A special feature of the village are the terraces that consist or approximately 800 meters of retaining walls with overall length 120 kilometres. It is also interesting that on Školj of St. Paul is an important archaeological site.
Some time ago the streams in Vrtovin where powering numerous sawmills and mills, today the locals commute to work outside the settlement. Wherefore is here only a small proportion of fulltime farmers, but nonetheless, there is no shortage of domestic products, such as wine, cherries, goat and sheep cheese.
Past times of Vrtovin are very dynamic, as St. Paul was already populated in Iron Age. Here Romans erected a military outpost, in the vicinity of the Roman road from Aquileia towards Emona. Just below the summit of St. Paul a water tower from Roman Age is preserved, which is the highest preserved technical Roman fort on Slovene. The tower was built in the 5th century. When Huns devastated Castra, today’s Ajdovščina, its inhabitants withdrew into this fort. At the moment archaeological researches are still in process, which will for sure uncover new characteristics about the life in this Roman fort. The name Ortaona – Vrtovin was, for the first time, written in the year 1001 in the deed of gift of the Roman emperor Oton III. to Aquileian patriarch Johannes, with which he gave to the Aquileia church, and its leader Janez, a part of the territory between Soča and Vipava to Vrtovin.

With retained walls, with which the locals created terraces, the avalanche slope of Kucelj had been changed into cultural landscape. On these terraces they created fields, gardens and planted cherries on the ends of fields, vineyards next to them. Rocks were stacked together into a mound of piled stones, what still today testifies about centenary effort and perseverance.
Time of 1st and 2nd world war marked Vrtovin strongly. In building of todays primary school was for some time the command of 16th Austria-Hungry corpus and in April 1917 the settlement was visited by emperor Charles. Seen are also the remains of caverns. The share in struggle for independence also contributed Vrtovin opposition against invader, which started in WWII in year 1941. The resistance deepened in year 1942. But in March 1943 the resistance experienced severe blow, as Italians imprisoned 37 women and 12 men. In war 27 residents of Vrtovin lost their lives.
You can also visit official web page of Vrtovin – Ortaona.
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Map of Vrtovin
On the map you can see the locations where the attractions of village Vrtovin are, with hill of St. Paul that offers nice walk and beautiful view. Marked are also the main streams of the village. To view the map in full size, just click on the image on the left or on the link to open it in another window. [_See the map_]
Stano Gerželj – Our Vrtovin
Poem Our Vrtovin was written by Stano Gerželj. It is a poem, which tells where the village of Vrtovin occurred and list the names of hamlets that belong to it. That they do not intend to give the village as inhabitants for any money. In a poem also writes that life goes on. [_Read more_]
Circular trail Ortaona
Circular trail Ortaona takes us around local community Vrtovin to observe its attractions. From churches and other sacral buildings, tombs, profane building heritage to monuments and remains from different historic times. Time of the walk on circular trail Ortaona is 3-4 hours. [_Read more_]
On ancient trails under Čaven
Thematic trail On ancient trails under Čaven connects all three villages in the lap of Čaven – Kamnje, Vrtovin, Črniče. It unites the already established hiking trails and represents interesting monuments of former times. Here we can find the Roman water tower in Vrtovin, medieval camp above Črniče and the hundred year old stone bride in Kamnje. [_Read more_]
Roman water tower
In the village Vrtovin, just below the top of St. Paul, is preserved a water tower from the Roman age, which is the highest technical Roman fort in Slovenia, as it reaches the height of 11 meters. It is an exceptional architectural memorial. The tower was built in 5th century. [_Read more_]
Homestead 84
Homestead Vrtovin number 84 is a profane building heritage. Unified homestead with floor residential and economic buildings under gable varicose roof. It is a remarkable sample of folks design in stone and wood – partially bricked and partially wooden Ghanaian, an externally stone staircase. [_Read more_]
Monument to the fallen in NLS
Contribution of Vrtovin in NLS was extensive. Decisive and supreme political activity in 2nd World War was organised from Liberation Front (LF) and to this was devoted the majority of Vrtovin population. Monument to fallen in NLS and to victims of war crimes is the work of Marko Pogačnik. [_Read more_]
The 1st World War was not able to avoid Vrtovin, therefore here are visible traces from those times in the form of caverns, which were at that time build for the purpose of protection against artillery and air strikes, maybe also as auxiliary warehouses or living units. [_Read more_]
Temporarily command of XVI. corpus
Vrtovin had an important role during 1st World War, as right in this village the Austrians had for some time the command of XVI. Austria-Hungary corpus. XVI. Corpus was a corpus of Austria-Hungary army, active during 1st World War. In April 1917, command was visited by emperor Karel I. [_Read more_]
Tomb Stibilj – Vukasović
Tomb Stibilj – Vukasović was made in 1924 in the memory of Stibilj – Vukasović clan, that in Slovenia still has a good repute. It is an incredible story of Janko Stibiel, who joined the rebels in Bosnia. He was accepted in the Serbian army in 1876. In 1912 he became colonel of Serbian royal Army of Monarchy Serbia. [_Read more_]
Tomb to the fallen in NLS
Tomb of the fallen in National liberation struggle is located in village cemetery in Vrtovin, opposite to church Mary the Virgin, next to the tomb Stibiel – Vukasović. On tombstone are written the names of all the fallen. Beside stated here also rest yet 96 fighters that have fallen under Čaven. [_Read more_]
Church of Mary the Virgin
Church of Mary the Virgin is located in the center of settlement Vrtovin and is directed towards east. The church was renovated for the last time in year 1897. In the axis follow the trilaterally finished presbytery, which has a preserved Gothic window, and a wider and higher rectangular ship. [_Read more_]
Chapel at Lozarji
Chapel is located on a branch towards hamlet Lozarji. It is a monument of sacral character from year 1874. Chapel has pitched varicose roof with the forged cross on a ridge. The portal with repressed arch framed with rustic in plaster and pilaster with profiled capital. [_Read more_]
Sacral sign before hamlet Kocjani
At homestead number 95 stands a sign before hamlet Kocjani, it is a monument of sacral character from year 1903. It is a stone pillar sign, which is compounded by stone base, pillar and house with fourfold roof. In the niche is a statue of Virgin Mary. Acronym on the stone pillar A.C. is short for Anton Copic. [_Read more_]
Stream Vrtovinšček
Vrtovinšček is a stream, which has multiple springs under southern hillside of Trnovski gozd. The stream flows through the village Vrtovin and in Potoče flows into stream Malenšček that later flows into river Vipava. The fall of the terrain between the spring and its mouth is 600 meters of altitude. [_Read more_]
Stream Malenšček
Stream Malenšček springs at Kamenjska gmajna that is part of the Southern hillside of Trnovski gozd. In Potoče it joins with stream Vrtovinšček, and soon after flows into river Vipava. The stream separates Vrtovin and Kamnje, as it flows right on the border of this two local communities. [_Read more_]